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Wydawnictwo Medyczne Borgis

Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 2, s. 71-74
Dencmaa Dungerdorj, S. Tsetsegmaa, S. Purevsuren, B. Bayasgalan
On the phytochemical investigation of the genus Gentiana used for the treatment of liver diseases in Mongolian Traditional Medicine1
Medical University of Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
Head of Department: Dencmaa Dungerdorj, M.D., DSc.
On the result of phytochemical investigation of 8 species of the genus Gentiana growing in Mongolia 27 xanthons, 15 flavonoids, 11 secoiridoids, 3 organic acids, totally more than 50 compounds were isolated and identified. From Gentiana barbata 8 xanthons, 2 secoiridoids, 2 flavonoids; from G. macrophylla 1 secoiridoid, 2 flavonoids; from G. decumbens 2 secoiridoids, 4 flavonoids; from G. algida 1 secoiridoid, 3 flavonoids; from G. acuta 6 xanthons, 1 secoiridoid, 3 flavonoids, 1 organic acid; from G. uniflora 2 xanthons, 1 organic acid; from G. azurium 6 xanthons, 3 secoiridoids, 1 flavonoid; from G. pulmonaria 5 xanthons, 1 secoiridoid were isolated. 7-O-β-D-glucopiranosyl-1-hydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyxanthon from Gentiana barbata, 1,3,5-trihydroxy-8-methoxyxanthon from G. azurium, 1-O-β-D-glucopiranosyl-3,5-dihydroxy-8-methoxyxanthon, 1-hydroxy-3-methoxy-5-acetoxy-8-acetyl-O-β-D-fructofurano-sylxanthon from G. pulmonaria were novel compounds found in nature for the first time and their structures were elucidated by spectral analysis.
Key words: genus gentiana, chemical composition, liver diseases
1. Zorig O., Ouyngerel Z., Maslo O.: Isoorientin from Gentiana algida, Chem. Prir. Soed. 1980, 2, 253. 2. Chun-Nan-Lin: Synthesis and anti-inflammatory effects of xanthone deriatives. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1996, 48. 532. 3. Khishgee D.: Phytochemical investigation of 2 species of Gentiana used in Mongolian Traditional Medicine. Doctor Thesis, Med Univ. Ullan Baatar, Mongolia 1995, 36. 4. Tserendulam L.: Chemical and chemico-technological investigation of some species of the genus Bupleurum L. Doctor Thesis, Med Univ. Ullan Baatar, 1996. 5. Ouyngerel Z., Tserendulam L., Ambaga M., Dolgorsuren T.: Investigation of some hepatoprotective compounds. Conference Raport 27, Ullan Baatar, 1993, 90.

otrzymano/received: 2004-02-10
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-06-02


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