© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 3, s. 128-132
*Anna Kędzia
Wrażliwość bakterii beztlenowych na olejek geraniowy ( Oleum geranii)
The susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria to Geranium oil (Oleum geranii)
Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej, Katedra Mikrobiologii AM w Gdańsku
Kierownik Zakładu i Katedry: dr hab. prof. nadzw. Anna Kędzia
The sensitivity to geranium oil (Avicenna – Oil) 92 strains of anaerobic bacteria isolated from patients with infections of oral cavity were tested. Investigation was carried out using the plate dilution technique in Brucella agar supplemented with 5% defibrynated sheep blood, menadione and hemin. Inoculum contained 106 CFU per spot was seeded with Steers replicator upon the surface of agar with various oil concentrations as well as upon that no oil added (anaerobes growth control). Incubation the plates was performed in anaerobic conditions, in anaerobic jar, in 37°C for 48 hours. MIC was interpreted as the lowest concentration of essential oil inhibiting the growth of anaerobic bacteria.
The results of investigations indicated, the most susceptible to geranium oil from Gram-negative rods were the strains from the genus of Bacteroides ureolyticus (MIC in ranges ≤0,06-0,5 mg/ml). The strains belonging to the genus of Tannerella forsythensis and Bacteroides fragilis were the lowest sensitive (MIC within the ranges of 1-≥3 mg/ml). From among Gram-positive anaerobes the most sensitive were the strains of rods (particularly from the genus of Propionibacterium) and bacilli (Clostridium). The concentrations in ranges ≤0,06-0,5 mg/ml inhibited the growths of 69% of rods and 67% of the bacilli. The Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria were more sensitive to tested oil than the Gram-negative
Key words: anaerobes, antibacterial activity, infections of oral cavity, geranium oil
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otrzymano/received: 2007-08-15
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2007-09-20
*Anna Kędzia
Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
ul. Do Studzienki 38, 80-227 Gdańsk
tel.: (0-58) 349-21-85
e-mail: zmju@amg.gda.pl