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Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

Zielarstwo w Polsce – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 2, s. 78-81
*Jerzy Jambor
Zielarstwo w Polsce – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju
Herbalism in Poland – present state and prospects of development
Phytopharm Klęka S.A.
Prezes Zarządu: dr Jerzy Jambor
Currently the total production of medicinal plants in Poland is estimated to be about 20 000 t annually. To the most important crude drugs obtained in country belong: chamomile flower, peppermint leaf, valerian root and milk thistle fruit. Very important are also St.John´s worth, lime tree flower and chokeberry. The most important sources of crude drugs are the field cultivations (around 17 000 t). Other crude drugs (around 100 species) are obtained from natural state. The dominating role on the Polish market play herbal mixtures, syrups and tablets made from powdered herbs. Very important are also intracts, diet supplements and plant cosmetics. The most important Polish herbal remedies are: Sylimarol, Raphacholin, Alax, Tabletki uspokajajace, Biostymina and Bioaron C also such cardiaca as: Cardiol, Neocardina and Cardiobonisol.
The native industry requires the substantial redevelopment. Indispensably is the improvement of technical resources, development of monitored cultivations, common standardization of crude drugs, production of high processed extracts.
It is possible that Poland will belong in next time to the leading countries in area of herbalism.
Key words: herbalism, sources of obtaining of herbal crude drugs, forms of herbal products, prospects of development

otrzymano/received: 2007-06-12
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2007-07-10

*Jerzy Jambor
Phytopharm Klęka S.A.
Klęka 1, 63-040 Nowe Miasto nad Wartą
tel. (0-61) 287-80-00, fax: (0-61) 287-40-70

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