© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 1, s. 32-38
*Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć, Romuald Czerpak
Aktywność biologiczna i terapeutyczna poliamin
Biological and therapheutical activity of polyamines
Zakład Nauk Biologicznych Wyższej Szkoły Kosmetologii i Ochrony Zdrowia w Białymstoku
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. Romuald Czerpak
The diamine – putrescine and the polyamines – spermidine and spermine are aliphatic compounds which commonly occur in all living organisms. They may bind to other macromolecules, such as nucleic acid and proteins, and stimulate DNA replication, transcription and translation. They act together with plant and animal hormones activating the growth and metabolism of organisms. Biosynthesis of putrescine and spermidine is almost identical in bacteria nad plants; in fungi and mammals biosynthesis of putrescine, spermidine and spermine is also very similar, probably due to their heterotropism. In plants under influence of various stresses, the content and physiological and biochemical activity of polyamines change and enzymes immediately connected with their biosynthesis. Mechanisms of the activity of polyamines in adaptation to stress are recognized the best in plants. Polyamines play important role in cell proliferation, tumor progression and carcinogenesis. The cellular level of polyamines and their metabolic enzymes is higher in tumors than in surrounding normal tissue. High level of polyamines has been detected in a wide range of tumors, including: breast, stomach, lung and prostate cancer and leukemia. Polyamine analogues are used in anticancer therapy, but mechanisms of their action are still not enough known on a molecular level.
Key words: polyamines, putrescine, spermine, spermidine, stress, carcinogenesis, tumors
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otrzymano/received: 2007-02-26
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2007-03-01
*Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć
Zakład Nauk Biologicznych Wyższej Szkoły Kosmetologii i Ochrony Zdrowia w Białymstoku
ul. Krakowska 9, 15-875 Białystok
tel.: 601 653 570, 085 749 94 30, fax.: 085 749 94 31
e-mail: a.jablonska-trypuc@wskosm.pl, biuro@wskosm.pl