© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 3, s. 168-174
Romuald Czerpak1, 2, *Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć2, Anna Pietryczuk1, 2
Znaczenie terapeutyczne, kosmetyczne i dietetyczne niektórych glonów
1Zakład Biochemii Roślin i Toksykologii, Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. Romuald Czerpak
2Zakład Nauk Biologicznych Wyższej Szkoły Kosmetologii i Ochrony Zdrowia w Białymstoku
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. Romuald Czerpak
Nowadays, there are numerous commercial applications of algae. For example algae can be used to enhance the nutritional value of food and animal feed owing to their chemical composition. They play a crucial role in aquaculture and they can be incorporated into cosmetics. Algae are a source of highly valuable molecules, for example polyunsaturated fatty acids and pigments. Among all the fatty acids in algae, the most important are omega-3 and omega-6 families. Algae also represent a valuable source of proteins and nearly all essential vitamins. They are rich in pigments, like chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins. All these molecules have a wide range of commercial applications for example: as tablets, capsules and liquids. They can also be incorporated into pastas, snack foods, candy bars or gums and into the feed for a wide variety of animals ranging from fish (aquaculture) to pets and farm animals. Some algal species are established in the skin care market. Algae extracts can be found in face and skin care products (creams, emollients, sun-protection and hair care products). Future research should focus on the improvement of production systems and the genetic modifications of algae. The use of transgenic algae form commercial applications has not yet been reported but holds significant promise.
Key words: algae, fatty acids, pigments, diet, cosmetic, therapy
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otrzymano/received: 2009-04-20
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2009-05-15
*Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć
Zakład Nauk Biologicznych
Wyższa Szkoła Kosmetologii i Ochrony Zdrowia
w Białymstoku
ul. Krakowska 9, 15-875 Białystok
tel.: (085) 749-94-56, (085) 479-94-33
fax: (085) 749-94-31
e-mail: a.jablonska-trypuc@wskosm.pl