© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 3, s. 152-167
*Tadeusz Wolski, Tomasz Baj, Kazimierz Głowniak, Wanda Zwolan
Rzepień pospolity ( Xanthium strumarium L.) – analiza i skład olejku eterycznego
Katedra i Zakład Farmakognozji z Pracownią Roślin Leczniczych, Uniwersytet Medyczny, Lublin
Kierownik Katedry i Zakładu: prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Głowniak
The raw materials for the researches were above ground and underground part of Rough Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.). Analysis of the contents and the composition of essential oils was conducted by GC/MS and SPME/GC/MS methods. The analysis of the composition of essential oils, obtained by xylene extraction by Deryng method, demonstrated presence of 45 components in the fruits, 60 in the herbs and 56 in the roots. The analysis of the composition of ethereal fractions in the raw materials analyzed by SPME method proved presence of 65 components in the stems, 63 in the fruits and 53 in the roots. The most important components founded in the herbs are: borneol acetate (27,1%) i a-pinene (21,4%), in fruit: g-elemene (14,1%), borneol acetate (13,1%), a-humulene (10,3%), p-cymene (7,1%),a-pinene (4,0%), a-gurjunene (3,5%), and in roots: b-selinen E (34,5%), borneol acetate (12,4%), b-elemene (7,1%) and a-pinene (5,4%).
Key words: rough cocklebur, xanthium strumarium l., essential oils, gc/ms, spme
otrzymano/received: 2009-09-25
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2009-11-02
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