© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 1, s. 7-11
*Edyta Kwiatkowska
Izotiocyjaniany wasabi (Wasabia japonica)
Isothiocyanates in wasabi (Wasabia japonica)
Katedra Organizacji i Ekonomiki Konsumpcji SGGW w Warszawie
The Wasabia Japonica (Wasabi) is aromatic herb used as spices and condiments due to their characteristic flavour. The flavour comes from the liberation of volatile isothiocyanates by the hydrolysis of precursor glucosinolates. Wasabi contained about 2000 mg/kg total isothiocyanate. Glucosinolates are responsible for the secretion of detoxifying enzymes that remove carcinogens from the organism. Furthermore, they activate proteins and II phase detoxifying enzymes. Scientist reported that isothiocyanates – chemical compounds found in wasabi - inhibited the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that cause dental caries, during test-tube studies. Wasabi has antimicrobial properties – which may account for its popularity as food additives to raw fish. The food additives are very important that is why scientists are still investigating their beneficial note in cancer prevention and management.
Key words: wasabi, isothiocyanates, cancer, glucosi, nolates
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otrzymano/received: 2006-11-22
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-12-15
*Edyta Kwiatkowska
Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji
Katedra Organizacji i Ekonomiki Konsumpcji SGGW
ul. Nowoursynowska 159c
02-776 Warszawa
tel. 0 608-185-106