© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 4, s. 225-232
*Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia
Występowanie związków fenolowych w miodzie pszczelim
Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich w Poznaniu
Dyrektor Instytutu: dr hab. n. med. Przemysław M. Mrozikiewicz
To phenolic compounds occuring in bee honey belong free phenols (volatile compounds), phenolic acids also polyphenols in the form of flavonoids, distinguishing anthocyanins, procyanidins and pigments. Their total contents depends from species of plant from which bees collect nectar and it amounts 5-1260 mg/kg. In bright honeys the contents of phenolic compounds is usually lower than in the dark honeys.
The presented work discussed the qualitative and quantitative composition of phenolic acids and flavonoids which are the largest group of phenolic compounds occuring in bee honey. To the phenolic acids most often occuring in honey of Polish origin belong: chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid and among of flavonoids such compounds like: chrysine, apigenin, luteolin (flavone), quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, isorhamnetin (flavonols) also pinobanxine (flavanolol) and pinocembrine (flavonon). The total amount of phenolic acids in European honeys ist not higher than 100 mg/kg and in the Polish honeys is many times higher.
Key words: honey, phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, flavonoids, total amounts of phenolic compounds
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otrzymano/received: 2008-11-03
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2008-11-27
*Bogdan Kędzia
Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich
ul. Libelta 27, 61-707 Poznań
tel.: (0-61) 665-95-40
e-mail: bkedzia@iripz.pl