© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 4, s. 2006-212
*Dariusz Kuźnicki
Antyoksydanty i środki obniżające poziom cholesterolu zawarte w surowcach roślinnych wykazujące działanie przeciwmiażdżycowe
Antioxidants and cholesterol-reducing agents with antiatherogenic activity contained in plant raw materials
Katedra Farmakognozji, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Kierownik Katedry: prof. dr hab. Maria Wolbiś
Atherosclerosis attacks coronary, peripheral, cerebral and renal arteries. In the case of coronary arteries it causes arterial hypertension, heart left ventricle hypertrophy, myocardial insufficiency and acral ischaemia. It also results in angiostenosis, accumulation of cholesterol plaque in the vascular walls and impairment in the blood flow. Factors such as arterial hypertension, smoking, metabolic diseases, sedentary life style or stress can induce atherosclerosis. In order to inhibit its development, the patient should change life style, introduce the diet decreasing the level of cholesterol and take antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids which can be ingested in the synthetic and natural form and are found in vegetables, fruits and their preperations. Herbal infusions and tinctures with antioxidants properties like Camelia sinensis, Bulbus Alii sativi, Herba Violae tricoloris, Folium Ginkgo bilobae, Fructus Crategi sp. Exert a beneficial effect on the human organism. Also, unsaturated faty acids contained in sunflower, cod liver olive, evening primrose, linseed and soybean oils play a significant role in our everyday diet. Antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in dietary supplements for health purposes.
Key words: antioxidation, artherosclerosis, prophylaxis, flavonoid, vitamins, remedy
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otrzymano/received: 2006-09-29
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-10-10
*Dariusz Kuźnicki
Katedra Farmakognozji, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
ul. Muszyńskiego 1, 90-151 Łódź
tel. (0-42) 677-91-67
e-mail: darek.kuznicki@op.pl