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Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

Działanie preparatu Amol na grzyby drożdżopodobne wyizolowane z jamy ustnej i dróg oddechowych

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 3, s. 134-138
*Anna Kędzia1, Andrzej W. Kędzia2
Działanie preparatu Amol na grzyby drożdżopodobne wyizolowane z jamy ustnej i dróg oddechowych
Activity of amol against yeast-like fungi isolated from oral cavity and respiratory tract
1Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej, Katedra Mikrobiologii Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
Kierownik Zakładu i Katedry: prof. ndzw. dr hab. Anna Kędzia
2II Katedra Pediatrii, Klinika Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Wieku Rozwojowego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu
Kierownik Katedry: prof. UM dr hab. n. med. Marek Niedziela
A total of 106 strains of yeast-like fungi isolated from oral cavity or respiratory tract and 2 standards strains were tested. The susceptibility (MIC) yeast-like fungi to Amol was determined by means of plate dilution technique in Sabouraud agar. The inoculum containing 106 CFU per spot was seeded with Steers inoculator upon the surface of agar containing various drug concentrations. Incubation was performed at 37°C for 24 or 48 h (for slow growth strains) in aerobic conditions. The MIC was interpreted as the minimal Amol concentration that completely inhibited growth of yeast. The results of these investigations indicated that the most susceptible to Amol were the strains belonging to the genera of Candida, from genus of Candida mesenterica, from genus Rhodotorula rubra and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MICs for 100% of strains were ≤ 2,5 to 5,0 mg/ml). The strains of Candida albicans were less sensitive. The growth of 40% of these strains were inhibited by Amol within the range from ≤ 2,5 to 15,0 mg/ml. But for 27% strains MIC was> 20,0 mg/ml. The strains of Candida dubliniensis were the lowest sensitive (MIC ≥ 20,0 mg/ml).
Key words: yest-like fungi, amol, antifungal activity, infections, oral cavity, respiratory tract
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otrzymano/received: 2008-09-12
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2008-09-27

*Anna Kędzia
Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej
Katedra Mikrobiologii AM w Gdańsku
ul. Do Studzienki 38, 80-227 Gdańsk
tel. (058) 349-21-85
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