© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 2, s. 81-89
*Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska1, Tomasz Han2
Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC (vilcacora) – chemizm i właściwości biologiczne
1Hasco-Lek S.A. we Wrocławiu
Prezes Hasco-Lek: dr n. biol. Stanisław Han
2Student Wydziału Farmaceutycznego Akademii Medycznej im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
Presented literature data informs mainly about in vivo and in vitro biological studies of water extracts of Peruvian species of Uncaria (U. tomentosa and U. gujanensis), which have been regarded by local people as a marvelous medicine for years.
Although both plants don´t show toxic action and their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant action is often stressed, clinical studies of raw material appear relatively rarely in the literature. It is probably caused by two reasons: first – controversial reports of oxyindol alkaloids role as active substances and second – occurrence of two chemical types of species U. tomentosa (with different chemical composition and biological activity too) which makes obtaining the proper raw material difficult.
It seems that continuing of biological and chemical research of chinic acid esters, procyanidin and triterpen acids glycosidesters as potential active substances will cause larger interest of raw material, lead to positive finish and will deliver a new safe and efficient anti-inflammatory plant medicine practically without side effects.
Key words: uncaria tomentosa, chemical content, biological activity, medical application
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otrzymano/received: 2008-06-02
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2008-06-10
*Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska
Hasco-Lek S.A.
ul. Żmigrodzka 242e, 51-131 Wrocław
tel.: (0-71) 353-95-22
e-mail: research-director@hasco-lek.com.pl