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Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

Ginkgo biloba L. – miłorz±b dwuklapowy (chemizm i działanie biologiczne)

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 4, s. 195-205
Tadeusz Bodalski, *Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska1, 2
Ginkgo biloba L. – miłorz±b dwuklapowy (chemizm i działanie biologiczne)
Ginkgo biloba L. – chemistry and activity
1Hasco-Lek S.A. we Wrocławiu
2Zakład Farmacji Przemysłowej Wydziału Farmaceutycznego AM we Wrocławiu
The leaves of Ginkgo biloba have become in Europe and USA a widely used herbal remedies for the symptomatic treatment of central nervous system diseases and of peripheral and cerebral circulatory disorders. The literature review of selected papers (2000-2006) connected with a problem of pharmacological activity and clinical use of standardized extract from Ginkgo biloba L. (EGb 761) has been presented below. The extract EGb 761 contains the determined amounts of flavonoids, mainly flavonol O-glycosides with a glycoside binding in position 3 and 7 phenol aglycone (quercetine, kaempferol, isorhamnetine) and the proanthocyanidins. The another group of active substances in the extract EGb 761 are the lactones (diterpenes – ginkgolides and sesquiterpen – bilobalid) with a unique structure, earlier unknown in the plant world. The both groups of active substances act as antioxidants, free radical scavengers, enzyme inhibitors and cation chelators. The current studies inform that the many sided therapeutic activity of extract EGb 761 is a result of above antioxidative and free radicals scavenging properties of both groups of substances. These properties are of great importance for the obtaining of positive results in the treatment of many diseases with EGb extract. The EGb extract is mainly useful in the therapy of mild to moderate various origin dementia, senile neurosensorial diseases (vertigo, tinnitus) also by insufficiency of cerebral circulation. The studies show that the main indication of extract from the leaves Ginkgo biloba is the therapy of cognitive dysfunction – cerebral insufficiency, intermittent claudication (improving of walking), therapy of vertigo and tinnitus of circulatory origin.
Key words: ginkgo biloba l., chemical composition, biological properties, health activity
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otrzymano/received: 2006-11-06
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-12-04

*Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska
Hasco-Lek S.A.
ul. Żmigrodzka 242e, 51-131 Wrocław
tel. (0-71) 353-95-22

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