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Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

Działanie olejku ylangowego na bakterie beztlenowe wyodrębnione z zakażeń jamy ustnej

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 1, s. 15-19
*Anna Kędzia
Działanie olejku ylangowego na bakterie beztlenowe wyodrębnione z zakażeń jamy ustnej
Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej, Katedra Mikrobiologii Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
Kierownik Zakładu i Katedry: prof. ndzw. dr hab. Anna Kędzia
The sensitivity to ylang-ylang oil 121 strains of anaerobes isolated from infection of oral cavity were tested. The susceptibility of bacteria was determined by means of plate dilution technique in Brucella agar supplemented with 5% defibrynated sheep blood, menadione and hemin. Inoculum containing 106 CFU per spot was seeded with Steers replicator upon the surface of agar with various oil concentrations or without oil (strains growth control). Incubation of inoculated plates was performed in anaerobic conditions in 37°C for 48 h. The MIC was defined as the lowest concentrations of the ylang-ylang oil inhibiting the growth of bacteria. The results indicated, that the most susceptible to oil from Gram-negative rods were the strains from the genera of Tannerella and Fusobacterium. The concentrations in ranges ≤0.06-0.5 mg/ml inhibited growth of 75% and 70% strains respectively. The bacteria from the genera of Dialister and Bacteroides were the lowest sensitive (MIC within the ranges of 1.0-≥3.0 mg/ml). The tested volatile oil was very active against the Gram-positive anaerobes. The concentrations in ranges ≤0.06-0.5 mg/ml inhibited the growth of 61% of the cocci and 56% of the rods. The Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria were the more sensitive to ylang-ylang oil than the Gram-negative.
Key words: anaerobes, infection of oral cavity, susceptibility, ylang-ylang oil
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otrzymano/received: 2007-12-19
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2008-01-10

*Anna Kędzia
Zakład Mikrobiologii Jamy Ustnej
Katedra Mikrobiologii AM w Gdańsku
ul. Do Studzienki 38, 80-227 Gdańsk
tel.: (0-58) 349-21-85

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