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Sekcji Fitoterapii PTL
Sekcja Fitoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

Australijskie olejki eteryczne o działaniu przeciwbakteryjnym i przeciwgrzybiczym

© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 4, s. 188-194
Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia1, *Bogdan Kędzia1, Henry Ostrowski-Meissner2
Australijskie olejki eteryczne o działaniu przeciwbakteryjnym i przeciwgrzybiczym
The australian volatile oils with antibacterial and antifungal activity
1Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich w Poznaniu
Dyrektor Instytutu: doc. dr hab. Przemysław M. Mrozikiewicz
2School of Nursing and Health Science, Faculty of Health Studies, Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia
The studies included four Australian oils from the following plants: Tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), Manuca (Leptospermum scoparium), Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) and Australian Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora). The studies have taken into consideration such bacterias as: Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis), Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans, Candida krusei, Geotrichum candidum), mould fungi (Aspergillus flavus), dermatophytes (Microsporum gypseum). It was found that the investigated oils inhibited the growth of bacteria and pathogenic fungi in the range 0,1-10,0 mg/ml. The oils of Manuka, Sandalwood and Myrtle showed a high activity against dermatophytes. The Australian volatile oils showed a low activity against the Gram-negative bacteria. The conducted studies confirm the possibility of practical use of Australian volatile oils in the therapy.
Key words: tea-tree oil, manuka oil, australian sandalwood oil, australian myrtle oil, gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like fungi, mould fungi, dermatophytes
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otrzymano/received: 2006-08-10
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-11-02

*Bogdan Kędzia
Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich
ul. Libelta 27, 61-707 Poznań
tel. (0-61) 665-95-40, Fax: (0-61) 665-95-51

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