© Borgis - Postepy Fitoterapii 3, s. 145-154
*Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia
Wpływ miodu na przemiany metaboliczne zdrowych ludzi
Effect of honey on the metabolic changes by health people
Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich w Poznaniu
Dyrektor Instytutu: dr hab. n. med. Przemysław M. Mrozikiewicz
The recent studies show that honey has a favourable influence on the haematological and biochemical rates by health people and animals. It was stated that the honey improves the activity of such system as: erythrocyte system, immunological system, cardio-pulmonary and cardio-vasculary system also kidney and liver.
The studies on experimental animals and health volunteers confirm the above statements.
Key words: honey, metabolic changes, health people, pharmacological studies
1. Al-Waili N.S.: Intravenous and intrapulmonary administration of honey solution to health sheep: effect on blood sugar, renal and liver function tests, bone marrow function, lipid profile, and carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury. J. Med. Food 2003, 6, 231-247. 2. Al-Waili N.S., Salom K.Y.: The effects of honey feeding on WBC, hemoglobin, serum iron and differential counts: comparison with dextrose and regular feeding. FASEB J. 2003, 17 (Supl.), A1033. 3. Al-Waili N.S.: Effect of daily consumption of honey solution on hematological indices and blood levels of minerals and enzymes in normal individuals. J. Med. Food 2003, 6, 135-140. 4. Mohaissen B., Hałuszka J., Wanat-Krzak M., Strugała-Stawik H.: Wyniki leczenia w Rabce dzieci z regionu legnickiego. Pediat. Pol. 1996, 71, 4 (Supl.), 175-178. 5. Al-Waili N.S.: Effect of honey on blood cholesterol, LDH,LDL, trigliceride and C-reactive protein. FASEB J. 2003, 17 (Supl.), A340. 6. Al-Waili N.S.: Natural honey lowers plasma glucose, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and blood lipids in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects: comparison with dextrose and sucrose. J. Med. Food 2004, 7, 100-107. 7. Al-Waili N.: Intrapulmonary administration of natural honey solution, hyperosmolar dextrose or hypoosmolar distill water to normal individuals and to patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus or hypertension: their effects on blood glucose level, plasma insulin and C-peptide, blood pressure and peaked expiratory flow rate. Eur. J. Med. Res. 2003, 8, 295-303. 8. Al-Waili N.S.: Effects of honey on the urinary total nitrite and prostaglandins concentration. Int. Urol. Nephrol. 2005, 37, 107-111. 9. Tonks A., Cooper R.A., Price A.J., Molan P.C., Jones K.P.: Stimulation of TNF-α release in monocytes by honey. Cytokine 2001, 14,0 240-242. 10. Al-Waili N.S., Boni N.S.: Natural honey lowers plasma prostaglandin concentrations in normal individuals. J. Med. Food 2003, 6, 129-133. 11. Al-Waili N.S., Hag A.: Effect of honey on antibody production against thymus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens in primary and secondary responses. J. Med. Food 2004, 7, 491-494. 12. Al-Waili N.S.: Identification of nitric oxide metabolites in various honeys: effects of intravenous honey on plasma and urinary nitric oxide metabolites concentrations. J. Med. Food 2003, 6,0 359-364. 13. Al-Waili N.S., Boni N.S.: Honey increased saliva, plasma, and urine content of total nitrite concentrations in normal individuals. J. Med. Food 2004, 7, 377-380.
otrzymano/received: 2006-09-01
zaakceptowano/accepted: 2006-09-28
*Bogdan Kędzia
Instytut Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich
ul. Libelta 27, 61-707 Poznań
tel. (0-61) 665-95-40, fax: (0-61) 665-95-51
e-mail: bognao@o2.pl