© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 11, s. 900
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Neurology is an area of medicine, which is quickly developing, both with respect to research on etiopathogenesis, as well as with respect to therapy. Currently presented papers relate to various topics from this area, frequently arising, in medical practice. We believe that issues described in a series of abovementioned papers would be interested to wide circles of our Readers. The articles constitute a follow-up series regarding brain stroke, epilepsy, extrapyramidal disorders and multiple sclerosis presented in one of the previons edition of „Postępy Nauk Medycznych”-monthly.
The first original paper (Author: Dr. A. Sobieszek) presents results of maping of evolution of bioelectrical brain activities using the traditional method and advantages of a new method of electroencephalography recording, involving transformation of the original multi-channel electroencephalogram record into color maps expressing continuous, spatiotemporal evolution of electroencephalogram pattern.
The second paper (Author: Dr. C. Siemianowski) relates to research on drug-resistancy of epilepsy. It describes results and directions of molecular, genetic and immunochemical research related to drug-resistancy and its significance for the daily clinical practice.
Non-compulsive epilepsy status has been described since a long time. It is a diversified symptoms-disease, still constituting a "clinically difficult diagnosis”. This topic is presented in the next paper (Author: Prof. J. Jędrzejczak), which also contains diagnostic criteria and therapeutic suggestions.
The next paper concerns Parkinson´s Disease (Author: prof. U. Fiszer) and describes evolution of views on pathogenesis and therapy of this disease. The neuroprotective/modyfying therapy remains unknown, only a symptom-reactive therapy is applied.
The subsequent two papers are related to the occurence of neurological disorders with autoimmunological background: complications of systemic connective tissue diseases. (Author: Dr. W. Palasik) and Guillain-Barré syndrom (Author: Dr. M. Michałowska). The above mentioned papers discuss clinical symptoms, diagnostic criteria and the need for a wide spectrum of additional examinations, required for the proper diagnosis and therapy.
One of the important elements of physician´s work is recognition of violence symptoms in patients admitted to stations and neurological departments. This topic is presented in the next paper (Author: Dr. J. Pruszyński).
The presented papers demonstrate that progress in neurology has an interdisciplinary character. In the daily practice of a neurologist the social aspect is also important.
We wish all of Readers a pleasant reading.
prof. dr hab. med. Urszula Fiszer
dr med. Cezary Siemianowski

otrzymano/received: 0000-00-00
zaakceptowano/accepted: 0000-00-00


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