© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 1, s. 5
Prof. Anna Kamińska
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On 1st April 2011, the world of neurology said a sad farewell to Professor Hubert Kwieciński, a medic of exceptional quality who left a mark on all those who knew him – his colleagues, students as well as friends. Nowhere will the loss be felt more than at the Medical University of Warsaw where Professor Kwieciński began his academic career and where from 1990 he headed the Department of Neurology and the Neurology Clinic.
Professor Kwieciński was born in Starachowice, Poland. He began his medical studies at the Medical Academy in Warsaw in 1965 and graduated cum laude in 1971. After graduating he took up a position at the Academy’s Neurology Clinic. On the basis of his thesis “Experimental myotonia” he was awarded in 1977 a doctorate in the field of medical science. Some eleven years later, in 1988, his habilitation entitled “Myotonia-pathology and treatment” earned him a post-doctoral habilitation degree. He received a scholarship from the Humboldt Foundation at the University of Munich’s Neurology Clinic and Institute of Physiology. There, working with other researchers (Prof. F. Lehmann-Horn and Prof. R. Rüdel), he carried out the first in vitro measurements of ionic currents in human skeletal muscle. He spent the years 1998-1999 at Yale University on a Fogarty Scholarship, during which he published a number of seminal works on the biophysics of individual sodium channels and on drug mechanisms blocking ionic channels. In 1990 Professor Kwieciński was nominated by the Faculty Board of the Medical Academy as Chair of the Department and Clinic of Neurology and in 2007 he was awarded a personal Chair of Neurology. During his career he received numerous prestigious awards and commendations. In addition, he actively participated in a number of professional organisations. He was Vice-President of the European Society for Clinical Investigation (1986-1987); a member of the Executive Committee of the European Stroke Initiative (1998-2006); from 2003, a member of the Congress Program Committee of the European Federation of Neurological Societies; and in 1997 he became an honorary member of the French Neurological Society. He was also the National Consultant for Neurology between 1998-2010, and a member of the board of medical experts advising the Polish Senate from 1996-1997.
Professor Kwieciński was a keen pedagogue. He supervised 10 doctoral theses, was the advisor for 3 habilitations and the mentor for numerous specialists in the field. He published more than 300 academic papers.
He loved life. He was passionate about travel and had a special regard for the mountains. He was always very active, and never said no to a game of tennis.
Professor Kwieciński will be remembered by us all as an exceptional academic, a brilliant doctor, an authority for all his students and colleagues, but first and foremost as a person with a big heart who approached everything with an enthusiasm and passion that was infective.
Prof. Anna Kamińska

otrzymano/received: 0000-00-00
zaakceptowano/accepted: 0000-00-00


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