Guide for ContributorsPostępy Nauk Medycznych
- 'Postępy Nauk Medycznych' accepts for publication papers on medicine and related fields, including editorial and original works, clinical observations and researches, review papers, reports from symposia and journeys to foreign medical centers, and all new medical information to become the interdisciplinary surface of the exchange of experiences and the progress of the medical knowledge.
- 'Postępy Nauk Medycznych' editors endorse the general rules of the Declaration of Helsinki and expect that all investigations involving humans will have been performed in accordance with these principles. For animal experimentation reported in the journal, it is expected that investigators will have observed the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences Adhoc Committee on Animal Research. All human and animal studies must have been approved by the investigators Institutional review board or local ethics committee.
- Received manuscripts are first examined by the editors. Incomplete packages or manuscripts not prepared in the advised style will be sent back to Authors without evaluation. The registered manuscripts may be sent by Editorial Office to independent experts for scientific evaluation and then accepted for publication after positive opinion of the independent reviewers.
- Authors of research articles should disclose at the time of submission any financial arrangement they may have with a company whose product figures prominently in the manuscript.
- Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both author and Publisher giving permission to the Journal for reproduction. Obtain permission in writing from at least one author of papers still in press, unpublished data and personal communications.
- Authors of clinical papers are obliged to ensure patients privacy rights. Only clinical or scientifical data are permitted for publishing. The description of race, ethnicity or culture of a study subject should occur only when it is believed to be of strong influence on the medical condition in the study. When categorizing by race, ethnicity or culture, the names should be as illustrative as possible and reflect how these groups were assigned.
- Upon acceptance, Authors transfer copyright to the Postępy Nauk Medycznych and all published manuscripts become the permanent property of the Publisher of Postępy Nauk Medycznych and may not be published elsewhere without written permission from the Publisher.
- The Authors are requested to prepare two copies of a typewritten manuscript with double spaced text printed on one side of a page. All the manuscripts should be delivered together with diskette containing the text in the MS-Word compatible format, tables and figures in separate files and verified with the latest anti-virus software.. Other electronic submissions are not accepted.
- Papers should be accompanied by an authorization from a chairman of the department; statement that the paper has not been published previously or submitted to another journal. Legal and other responsibility for incorrect preparation of a paper is assumed by all the Authors to equal extent which is confirmed by the author's signatures on the first page of the manuscript.
- Editorial board reserves the right to correct the terminology or style, to reduce the size of the paper as well as to remove redundant figures and graphs without Authors permission. Papers are peer-reviewed; copies of reviews are sent to the author together with a letter of acceptance or rejection. The papers which were not qualified for publication will be sent back only to author's request.
- Each manuscript ought to include title page with: manuscript title, full names of author(s) and their signatures, the affiliations of the Authors, full names of the heads of the departments and their permission for publication, full address (e-mail, phone and facsimile number) of the author responsible for the relations with the editorial board.
- Papers submitted should be limited. The number of characters and spaces should not exceed 15,000 per paper (together with tables, figures and references).
- Each paper ought to be structured into the following sections:
- Summary up to 250 words in structured format (aim; material and method; results; conclusion). There should be included to five key words in the MesH format below the summary.
- Proper text must include:
- a short introduction discussed issue on the basis of the present state of knowledge;
- aim of the study;
- material and methods described in sufficient detail to allow the reader the investigation to be interpreted and repeated by the reader. Previously described methods should be described only if modified; basically a reference to the original source is required. When a drug is mentioned it should be given the international non-proprietary name, followed in parentheses by the proprietary name, manufacturer and country of origin, eg. Propofol (Diprivan, Astra-Zeneca, USA). Reliable description of the statistical analysis should be given;
- results - description of results should be short and clear. Data given already in tables and figures may not be repeated unnecessarily in text. Reliable statistical analysis should be given at the end of the section;
- discussion section with references to current literature on the subject;
- conclusions - should be given in the form of short sentences, containing clear message which is based of results of the study;
- references - a list of references must contain the sources as cited in the text. Number of references should not exceed 20 for clinical investigations, 15 for case reports and 50 for review articles. Each reference should contain: a name and initials of all Authors, a full title in language of publication, an abbreviated title of a journal, year and volume of publication, first and last page. Example of correct form of a reference: Reyneke CJ, James MFM, Johnson R: Alfentanil and propofol infusion for surgery in the burned patient. Br J Anaesth 1989; 63: 418-422. Chapter in a book: Crone RK: The respiratory system; in: Pediatric Anesthesia (Ed.: Gregory GA), Churchill Livingstone, New York, Edingburgh, London and Melbourne, 1983).
- Units in text, tables and figures should follow the SI conventions. Where more appropriate, they may be reported in traditional form eg. Pressures should be identified as mmHg or cm H2O (SI units should be given in brackets). Example: arterial blood pressure was 100/60 mmHg (13.3/8.0 kPa).
- Number of figures should be limited. Each illustration should be separated and drawn with a line of adequate weight to allow its reduction. Computer-generated drawings should be printed with a laser or jet ink printer and included to the disk as a separate file (please give the information about software). Figures included to the text will not be accepted. Photographs should be glossy monochrome prints of adequate contrast and their orientation should be clearly indicated in soft pencil on the back. Titles and legends to figures should be typed on separate sheets and included in the manuscript. Please mark their location in the text with a note (e.g.: table/figure 1 near there).
- Each table with its title and legend should be typed on separate sheet and numbered with Roman digits. Units should be given only in headers. Data given in tables should not be repeated in figures.
Editorial Office address:
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