Issues from 1999-2012 are accessible on-line. In order to familiarize with them, go to our On-line Medical Library (access is payable).
New Medicine vol. 17 (2013/03)
Original papers
Case report
Regional studies on health science Original papers
Review papers
Varicella vaccination in Hungary and Poland: optimization of public benefits from prophylaxis technologies in the time of austerity**László Szabó, Teresa Jackowska, Zoltán Kaló, , Andrea Kulcsár, Zsófia Mészner, Zsuzsanna Molnár, Jacek Wysocki0, Peter Wutzler, Judit Kormos-Tasi, Christophe Sauboin – s. 97-102
New Medicine vol. 17 (2013/02)
Original papers
Case report
Regional studies on health science Original papers
New Medicine vol. 17 (2013/01)
Original papers
Review papers
Regional studies on health science Original papers
Review papers
New Medicine vol. 16 (2012/04)
Original papers | | |
Perioperative management of children with von Willebrand disease and tonsillar hypertrophy in ENT Department of Children Hospital in Warsaw Medical University Anna Gorzelnik, Monika Jabłońska-Jesionowska, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Anna Klukowska | |  |
Endoscopic and ultrasonographic evaluation of external laryngeal injuries in children Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Anna Jakubowska, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Michał Brzewski | |  |
The clinical characteristics and radiographic findings in patients with foreign body aspiration Teresa Ryczer, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik, Patrycja Szczupak | |  |
A survey of health related quality of life (HRQL) in children with cerebral palsy Lechosław P. Chmielik, Anna Chmielik | |  |
Congenital lateral fistulae on the neck in 8-years girl Monika Jabłońska-Jesionowska, Małgorzata Dębska, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos | |  |
M13mp18 phage model as a tools of research mutagenic and cytotoxic biological and environmental compounds Paweł Kowalczyk, Karol Chalimoniuk, Agnieszka Danielak, Dorota Dziedziela, Paulina Jankowska, Marzena Kowalska, Joanna Laskowska, Marzena Rachocka, Jarosław Szczepaniak, Tomasz Walter, Paulina Strzyga, Justyna Szymańska, Mariusz Słomka, Katarzyna Zawadka, Martyna Staszewska | |  |
An evaluation of the efficiency of different surgery techniques in the treatment of vesicovaginal fistulas – own experience Agnieszka Ledniowska, Grzegorz Ledniowski, Jarosław Karoń, Przemysław Karoń | |  |
Implantation of the gynecare prolift system in lower pelvic organ prolapse correction in patients with co-occurring urological disorders Agnieszka Ledniowska, Grzegorz Ledniowski, Jarosław Karoń, Przemysław Karoń | |  |
Case report | | |
Rare cause of subperiosteal abscess – a case report Małgorzata Dębska, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Methadon maintenance treatment programs in Hungary: Treatment, Harm Reduction and Social Control József Rácz, Ferenc Márványkövi, Katalin Melles, Zsolt Petke, Viktória Vadász, István Vingender | |  |
New Medicine vol. 16 (2012/03)
Original papers | | |
Accordance of clinical symptoms of OSAS (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) with polisomnography results Alicja Sapała-Smoczyńska, Teresa Jackowska | |  |
Review papers | | |
The influence of exocyclic DNA adducts in bacterial and mammalian genome instability Paweł Kowalczyk | |  |
The main causes and consequences of sleep disorders of breathing in children Teresa Jackowska, Alicja Sapała-Smoczyńska, Joanna Anyszka, Jacek Grygalewicz | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Comparative analysis of questionnaires exploring nutritional status and risk of malnutrition in the elderly living in residential care Enikő Turóczi, Márta Veresné Bálint, Róbertné Csajbók, Adrienn Lichthammer, István Szabolcs | |  |
Molecular laboratory tools for rapid diagnostics of systemic infections, and in clinical epidemiological practice István Barcs, Anita Becker, Barbara Sauer, Gyula Domján | |  |
Dental health behaviour of adolescents and their parents II Júlia Bartos, Judit Mészáros | |  |
New Medicine vol. 16 (2012/02)
Original papers | | |
Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from Kraków. Part 4. Nutritional prevention of diet-related diseases Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Agnieszka Marzęcka, Renata Godyń-Swędzioł | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Dental Health Behaviour of Adolescents and Their Parents Júlia Bartos, Judit Mészáros | |  |
Socioeconomic factors and health risks among smoking women prior to pregnancy in Hungary Andrea Fogarasi-Grenczer, Ildikó Rákóczi, Péter Balázs, Kristie L. Foley | |  |
The barriers to obtaining treatment for Roma and non-Roma intravenous drug users in Budapest, Hungary: a group comparison József Rácz, Ferenc Márványkövi, Zsolt Petke, Katalin Melles, Anna Légmán, István Vingender | |  |
New Medicine vol. 16 (2012/01)
Original papers | | |
Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from Kraków. Part 3. Rich sources of vitamins and minerals Agnieszka Marzęcka, Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Natalia Popierz-Rydlewska, Renata Godyń-Swędzioł | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Comparative study of future family plans and perceived stress factors among Hungarian students in higher education Helga Judit Feith, Zsuzsanna Soósné Kiss, Georgina Bárdos, István Vingender, Sándor Hollós | |  |
The factors influencing the outcome of pressure ulcer care Mariann Csernus Raskovicsné, Ildikó Szabó Kádárné, Magdolna Mészáros Halmosné, Judit Mészáros | |  |
The Effects of DAIPING (Diabalance) granule on the Glycolipid Metabolism and PTP1B Expression in Liver of type 2 Diabetes Rats Ji-An Li, Shu-Ying Han, Chun-Yu Tian, Jin-Xiu Chu, Xiang-Bo Gou, Ting Han, Jing Bai, Yan-Ping Zhang, Peng Cui, Bo-Nan Zhang, Hai-mei Bo, Chen Zhen, Júlia Bartos | |  |
Results of the service quality survey of the nursing schools Bolorsaikhan Omboosuren, Otgontsetseg Omboosuren, Purevdorj Tseden, Dalkh Tserendagva | |  |
New Medicine vol. 15 (2011/04)
Original papers | | |
The clinical analysis of antrochoanal polyps in children Lechosław P. Chmielik, Teresa Ryczer, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
The efficacy of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of complicated acute sinusitis in children – the initial report Lechosław P. Chmielik, Teresa Ryczer, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
The orbital abscess in the data of Paediatric Otolaryngological Clinic of Warsaw Medical University in 2005-2011 Małgorzata Dębska, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Assessment of influence of packing used in postoperative period for children that underwent pediatric endoscopic sinus surgery Lechosław P. Chmielik, Anna Gorzelnik, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Management of the parapharyngeal space infection – diagnostic and therapeutic issues Małgorzata Dębska, Eliza Brożek-Mądry, Anna Gorzelnik, Monika Jabłońska-Jesionowska, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Balloon sinuplasty with use of intra-operative navigation in children – preliminary report Lechosław P. Chmielik, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Anna Chmielik, Romana Bogusławska, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
A dermoidal cyst in the nasopharynx of a newborn Lechosław P. Chmielik, Marcin Rawicz, Jadwiga Małdyk, Michał Brzewski, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Jarosław Wysocki | |  |
Review papers | | |
Personalized medicine. Vision and Reality Halina Osińska, Leo Barić | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Three-year teaching experience in simulation education Eszter Borján, Zoltán Balogh, Judit Mészáros | |  |
Relationship between empathy and burnout among psychiatric residents Emőke Fülöp, Ágnes Devecsery, Katalin Hausz, Zsuzsanna Kovács, Márta Csabai | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2011/03)
Original papers | | |
Preliminary results of the use of self-expanding nitinol stents in inoperable gastrointestinal cancers Tomasz Miłek, Piotr Ciostek, Witold Wożniak, Andrzej Lewczuk, Robert Petryka, Jakub Słowik, Mirosław Jarosz | |  |
Evaluation Attempt of Bee Larva DNA Influence on the Course of Rat Pregnancy Agata Kabała-Dzik, Anna Rzepecka-Stojko, Jerzy Stojko, Ewa Szaflarska-Stojko, Magdalena Wyszyńska, Robert Kubina, Aleksandra Kolarczyk, Wojciech Marquardt, Barbara Stawiarska-Pięta | |  |
Case report | | |
Utility of fistulography in diagnosing a post-traumatic rectal fistula – a case report Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Paweł Grochowicz, Krzysztof Wagiel | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Examination of pressure ulcer prevalence and its application in creating quality indicators Mariann Csernus Raskovicsné, László Papp, Sándor Hollós, Ildikó Szabó Kádárné, Zoltán Balogh | |  |
Territorial inequalities in premature mortality in Józsefváros (district VIII. of Capital City Budapest), 2006-2008 (level of blocks of flat) Kovács Aranka, Nagy Csilla, Juhász Attila, Papp Zoltán | |  |
Comparing health conditions of homeless clients in Budapest day-care centres Kovács Aranka, Csépányi Gabriella, Kurucz Sarolta | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2011/02)
Original papers | | |
Intellectually handicapped children vs. their motor abilities Irena Momola, Agnieszka Szybisty | |  |
The impact of rugby training on the spinal functional parameters Paweł Szulc, Piotr Bartkowiak, Joanna Boch-Kmieciak, Jacek Lewandowski | |  |
The use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Thermography in the examination of patients with Multiple Sclerosis Madalina Cosmulescu, Orest Bolbocean, Georgiana Mazilu, Karol Borzecki, Cristian Dinu Popescu | |  |
Review papers | | |
New parameter in multiple sclerosis analysis Madalina Cosmulescu, Karol Borzecki, Razvan Preda, Daniel Alexa, Georgiana Mazilu, Cristian Dinu Popescu | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
The prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with malignant breast tumour Zsuzsanna Kovács, Adrien Pigniczkiné Rigó, Éva Szabó, Árpád Sebestyén, Mária Hoyer, Emőke Fülöp, Nóra Garamvölgyi, Imre András Török, Zsolt Petke | |  |
The role of education and training of medical personnel for cases of multiple casualty incidents in circuit motorsport races Laszlo Gorove, Gary Hartstein | |  |
Early dropout after one month of buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance therapy Zsolt Petke, Judit Mészáros, István Vingender, Zsolt Demetrovics, Judit Farkas, Zsuzsanna Kovács, Zsuzsa Menczel, Anna Havasi, Péter Simor, József Rácz | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2011/01)
Original papers | | |
Correlation of trauma circumstances and mechanism with the type, localization and range of cranial and intracranial injuries in traffic accident casualties Witold Pawłowski, Paweł Krajewski, Piotr Fiedor , Marta Krasny | |  |
Nutritional value of Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) protein in evaluation of nitrogen fertilization effect on environment Andrzej Tarkowski, Jerzy Truchliński | |  |
The correlation between dimensions of personality and results of therapy in patients with the primary Raynaud’s phenomenon Aneta Dabek, Dariusz Boguszewski, Janusz Domaniecki | |  |
Case report | | |
Dermatitis Artefacta as a Spectrum of Borderline Personality Disorder – case report Ewa Ogłodek | |  |
Review paper | | |
Stress as a mechanism of intermediary function in the onset of illness Ewa Ogłodek, Aleksander Araszkiewicz | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
The nursing options of health visitors in families bringing up children with autism Orsolya Tobak | |  |
The Relationship of Coping Mechanisms and Social Support Among Hungarian Women Suffering from Malignant Breast Cancer Katalin Németh, János Kállai, István Tiringer, László Mangel, Szimonetta Farkas, Anikó Dér, Péter Balázs, Ilona Pálfiné Szabó, Annamária Pakai | |  |
Review paper | | |
Education and licensing of traditional Chinese doctors in China Márk Oravecz, Haixue Kuang, Judit Mészáros | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2010/04)
Professor Chmielik's papers Original papers | | |
Clinical results of plastic surgeries of deviated nasal septum in developmental age Mieczysław Chmielik, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Magdalena Frąckiewicz | |  |
Influence of laryngeal and genereal diseases on postintubation changes of the larynx Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mansoor Sharifi, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Intra-operative evaluation of natural ostia of the maxillary sinuses in children with chronic rhinosinusitis Lechosław P. Chmielik, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Chronic and subacute recurring sinusitis in children Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Review paper | | |
Acute pharyngotonsillitis: current diagnosis and treatment Elżbieta Mazur | |  |
Case report | | |
Pharyngeal tumours in infants Małgorzata Dębska, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Malnutrition and nutrient intake values in the Hungarian elderly Márta Veresné Bálint, Istvánné Németh, Adrienn Lichthammer, Erzsébet Pálfi, István Szabolcs | |  |
Career plans of dietetics students from different member states of the european union Istvánné Németh*, Márta Veresné Bálint, Gábor Hajdú, Mária Barna, Zoltánné Horváth, Erzsébet Pálfi, Erzsébet Mák, István Szabolcs, Dariusz Wlodarek | |  |
Review papers | | |
History of research on depression: biomolecular considerations and philosophical reflections Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Sofia Tsaluchidu | |  |
Other papers Original papers | | |
Antinuclear antibodies at the patients with Lyme disease Małgorzata Tokarska-Rodak, Justyna Niedźwiadek, Hanna Fota-Markowska, Filip Śmiechowicz, Bożena Gajownik, Roma Modrzewska, Maria Kozioł-Montewka | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 4. The role of nutritiens and principles of composing diet Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 5. Preparing meals Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from Kraków. Part. 2. Influence of nutrition on the course of pregnancy Wojciech Chalcarz i wsp. | |  |
The Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) in diagnosis of depressive disorders in a female patient with psoriasis Ewa Ogłodek | |  |
Review papers | | |
Professional burnout among family physicians Ewa Ogłodek | |  |
Music therapy and kinesiotherapy in medicine Ewa Ogłodek | |  |
Case report | | |
Depression in menopausal women Ewa Ogłodek | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2010/03)
Original papers | | |
Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from Kraków. Part 1. General principles of nutrition during pregnancy Wojciech Chalcarz, Agnieszka Marzęcka, Sylwia Merkiel, Natalia Popierz-Rydlewska, Renata Godyń-Swędzioł | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 3. Rich sources of vitamins and minerals Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel | |  |
The detection of specific antibodies against B. burgdorferi s.s., B. afzelii, B. garinii and B. spielmani antigens in patients with Lyme disease in the Eastern Poland Małgorzata Tokarska-Rodak, Hanna Fota-Markowska, Maria Kozioł-Montewka, Filip Śmiechowicz, Roma Modrzewska | |  |
Case reports | | |
Borderline Personality Disorder Ewa Ogłodek, AleksanderAraszkiewicz | |  |
Application of Short Evaluation Scale of Schizophasia ('SESS') in a Female Patient with Paranoid Schizophrenia Ewa Głodek, Aleksander Araszkiewicz | |  |
Review papers | | |
The first episode of schizophrenia Ewa Ogłodek, Aleksander Araszkiewicz | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Dietary management of food allergy – different channels of education of patients in Hungary Erzsébet Pálfi, Zoltánné Horváth, Márta BálintVeresné, Istvánné Németh, Mária Barna | |  |
Improving the quality of life of the population through the Internet by surveying demand for the use of diet planning software Erzsébet Mák, Veres Márta Bálint, Erzsébet Pálfi, István Németh, Adrienn Lichthammer, Ferenc Fehér, Balázs Gaál, István Szabolcs | |  |
Review papers | | |
The practice of renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit Medve László, Préda Emil, Gondos Tibor | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2010/02)
Original papers | | |
Pain assessment in patients with dementia. Exploratory study in elderly people with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia Paula Madureira, Bruno Peixoto – p. 39-44 | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 1. General principles of nutrition during childhood Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz – p. 45-49 | |  |
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from nowy sącz and the vicinity. Part 2. Nutritional prevention of diet-related diseases Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz – p. 50-53 | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Representations of the Social Body and Drug Use Sándor Bollók, Zsuzsa Menczel, István Vingender – p. 54-62 | |  |
Patterns of suffering: an anthropological reading Giampiero Camurati, Fabio Gabrielli, Matteo Ianno, Franco Mauro – p. 63-65 | |  |
Acute renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit: theoretical foundations and terms László Medve, Emil Préda, Tibor Gondos – p. 66-70 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 14 (2010/01)
Original papers | | |
Reliability of body composition measurement by the BIA Method (bioelectric impedance) Petr Kutáč – p. 2-6 | |  |
Psychological well-being of mothers of children with fragile X syndrome Małgorzata Lisik, Aleksander Sieroń, Małgorzata Janas-Kozik, Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk – p. 7-11 | |  |
Influence of betalain-rich extract on reduction of discomfort associated with osteoarthritisa Zbigniew Pietrzkowski, Boris Nemzer, Aneta Spórna, Paweł Stalica, Wayne Tresher, Robert Keller, Roxanna Jimenez, Tadeusz Michałowski, Sławomir Wybraniec – p. 12-17 | |  |
Relation between back massage and anxiety level Dariusz Boguszewski, Aneta Dąbek, Izabela Korabiewska, Dariusz Białoszewski – p. 18-21 | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Plans for working abroad and career preferences among nursing students in Hungary Judit Helga Feith, Péter Balázs, Erika Garaj, Ágnes Tóth Kovácsné, István Vingender – p. 22-24 | |  |
Why don't Hungarian women take part in organized cervical screening? Annamária Pakai, Anikó Dér, Ildikó Kriszbacher, Katalin Németh, Edit Zsigmond, Péter Balázs – p. 25-28 | |  |
Drawing Value Profiles for Young Hungarians Selecting Careers in the Helping Professions Timea Tóth, Judit Mészáros – p. 29-35 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 13 (2009/04)
Original papers | | |
Bacteriological aetiology of chronic rhinosinusitis in children during 2007–2009 Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Lechosław P. Chmielik, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 79-81 | |  |
Complications of otitis media in children treated in the Paediatric ENT Clinic of Warsaw Medical University Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 82-84 | |  |
Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties in cases of foreign body in the oesophagus in children treated in the Paediatric ENT Clinic WUM in 2005-2009. Case report Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 85-88 | |  |
Foreign bodies in the nose, throat, oesophagus, trachea and bronchi in children Lechosław P. Chmielik – p. 89-91 | |  |
Radiological diagnostics of the sphenoid sinus in children before paediatric endoscopic sinus surgery Anna Chmielik, Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Żabicka, Mieczysław Chmielik, Romana Bogusławska – p. 92-94 | |  |
Treatment of children with hearing disorders and adenoids in the ENT Paediatric Department in Warsaw during 2007-2008 Lechosław P. Chmielik, Monika Jabłońska-Jesionowska – p. 95-96 | |  |
Treatment of laryngeal cysts in children Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Michał Brzewski, Agnieszka Biejat, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 97-99 | |  |
A pharyngeal tumour in a 13-day-old neonate – case report Małgorzata Dębska – p. 100-101 | |  |
Foreign bodies in lower airways in children treated in the Paediatric Otolaryngology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw in 2005-2009 Mieczysław Chmielik, Jolanta Jadczyszyn – p. 102-103 | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original paper | | |
The relations of age, sex and symptom characteristics of childhood depression in a Hungarian clinical sample Ildikó Baji, Nestor L. Lopez-Duran, Maria Kovacs, Charles J. George, László Mayer, Krisztina Kapornai, Enikő Kiss, Marike Vuga, Julia Gádoros, Ágnes Vetró – p. 104-108 | |  |
Review papers | | |
Hyperglycaemia in Acute Coronary Syndrome: an unsolved problem in clinical medicine Calin Pop, Marcel Pop, Lavinia Pop – p. 109-113 | |  |
Quantum consciousness and a-quantum consciousness: a hypothesis for interpretation Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli, Lucio Tonello – p. 114-115 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 13 (2009/03)
Original papers | | |
Sense of alexithymia in a patient with vitiligo and paranoid schizophrenia Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś, Aleksander Araszkiewicz, Waldemar Placek – p. 51 | |  |
Sense of coherence in parents taking care of children with psoriasis and schizophrenia Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś, Aleksander Araszkiewicz, Waldemar Placek – p. 53 | |  |
Effects of a 50 Hz magnetic field on the female rat’s thyroid gland in production of C cells Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś, Aleksander Araszkiewicz – p. 56 | |  |
Review paper | | |
The effect of extremely-low frequency magnetic fields on the osteogenesis Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś – p. 58 | |  |
Regional studies on health science Original papers | | |
Characteristics of student nurses’ attitudes towards counselling: a descriptive study Laszlo Papp, Erika Erdősi, Kornélia Helembai – p. 61 | |  |
The value priorities of young adults who choose to pursue a paramedical career Timea Tóth – p. 65 | |  |
Hungarian nurses and nurse graduates’ competences in international context Ibolya Tulkán, Erika Erdősi, Magdolna Pogány, Kornélia Helembai – p. 70 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 13 (2009/02)
Original papers | | |
A pilot study to evaluate treatment efficacy in patients with primary Raynaud’s phenomenon Aneta Dąbek, Janusz Domaniecki, Marek Wielochowski, Jan Gajewski – p. 31 | |  |
Anatomical review of the human fetal superior hypogastric plexus Eryk Chrapowicki, Bogdan Ciszek – p. 35 | |  |
Does exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields produce morphological changes in rat thyreocytes? Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś, Aleksander Araszkiewicz – p. 40 | |  |
Significance of AgNOR measurement in rat thyroid gland Ewa Ogłodek, Danuta Moś, Aleksander Araszkiewicz – p. 43 | |  |
Case report | | |
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome Justyna Paprocka, Ewa Jamroz, Antoni Pyrkosz, Elżbieta Marszał – p. 45 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 13 (2009/01)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
The Personality Background of BSc Student Nurses' Assertiveness in Hungary Erika Erdosi, Laszlo Papp, Kornelia Helembai – p. 2-6 | |  |
Food behaviour in preschool children from Pabianice Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Zdzisława Hodyr – p. 7-12 | |  |
Food behaviour and attitude towards nutritional knowledge in premenopausal women Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Chmielewska – p. 13-18 | |  |
Review papers | | |
Social support for people suffering from depression and their families Ewa Wilczek-Różyczka – p. 19-23 | |  |
Empathy in the therapeutic relationship between the physician, nurse, and patient Ewa Wilczek-Rózyczka – p. 24-28 | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 12 (2008/04)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Evaluation of body composition in females aged 60–84 years using a multi-frequency bioimpedance method (InBody 720) Ale‘ Gába, Jarmila Riegerová, Miroslava Přidalová – p. 82-88 | |  |
Validity of Measuring Body Composition by Means of the BIA Method Petr Kutáč, Vojtěch Gajda, Miroslava Přidalová, Vít Šmajstrla – p. 89-93 | |  |
Executive Functions in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy Bruno Peixoto, Laudino Lopez, Jorge Areias, Rute Cerqueira, Jorge Arias – p. 94-99 | |  |
Knowledge of parents about the illness and care for a child versus respecting the rules of healthy lifestyle of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Ewa Barczykowska, Hanna Piotrzkowska, Marlena Mania, Andrzej Kurylak – p. 100-105 | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 12 (2008/03)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Parapharyngeal abscesses in children - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Małgorzata Dębska, Monika Jabłońska-Jesionowska, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 50-51 | |  |
Rare tumours of the dorsum of the nose Lechosław P. Chmielik, Monsoor Sharifi – p. 52-54 | |  |
Malherbe's tumours treated in the Department of Paediatric ENT Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 55-56 | |  |
Bacterial aetiology of chronic rhinosinusitis in children Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Lechosław P. Chmielik, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 57-59 | |  |
Tumours of the bony face in children treated in the paediatric ent clinic in Warsaw Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 60-63 | |  |
Examination of the ultrastructure of the respiratory epithelium cilia in children with recurrent infection of the respiratory tract Małgorzata Dębska, Joanna Peradzyńska, Mieczysław Chmielik, Marek Kulus – p. 64-66 | |  |
Post-operative follow-up in children with choanal atresia Eliza Brożek-M±dry, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 67-69 | |  |
Surgical treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis in children Lidia Zawadzka-Głos – p. 70-72 | |  |
Nasal cytology and bacteriology in children with chronic sinusitis Eliza Brożek-M±dry, Lechosław P. Chmielik, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 73-76 | |  |
Usefulness of intraoperative navigation in sinus operations on children Lechosław P. Chmielik, Anna Chmielik, Jolanta Jadczyszyn, Magdalena Żabicka, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 77-79 | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 12 (2008/02)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
The level of anxiety among patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon as a starting point of therapy Aneta D±bek, Marek Wielochowski, Janusz Domaniecki – p. 26-28 | |  |
Nutritional status of preschool children from Pabianice Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Zdzisława Hodyr – p. 29-35 | |  |
Microscopic observation of crystallization of gastric mucins in the presence of Na and K ions Wojciech Janusz Baranowski, Krzysztof Szymański – p. 36-39 | |  |
Software to Support a Medical Practitioner in an Endoscopic Laboratory Dariusz Gutek – p. 40-44 | |  |
Case report | | |
A case of recurrent bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract in the course of acute pancreatitis Eryk Chrapowicki, Marek Kruk, Grzegorz Krasowski, Andrzej Płoński – p. 45-47 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 12 (2008/01)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Individually planned functional ETS and EMG biofeedback and supraspinal fes stimulation of pelvic floor muscles in women after gynaecological operations with symptoms of urinary incontinency Krystyna Garstka-Namysł, Juliusz Huber, Alicja Witkowska, Magdalena Pisarska, Kamila Witczak, Łukasz Sroka, Stefan Sajdak, Grzegorz H. Bręborowicz – p. 3-7 | |  |
Change in the assessment of sexual intercourse of women after gynaecological operations caused by disorders of micturition under the influence of electrostimulation of pelvic floor muscles and oververtebral electrostimulation Krystyna Garstka-Namysł, Juliusz Huber, Magdalena Pisarska, Grzegorz H. Bręborowicz, Łucja Pilaczyńska-Szcze¶niak – p. 8-12 | |  |
Flow cytometric analysis of eosin-5-maleimide binding to protein of band 3 and Rh-related proteins in diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis Jolanta Kłopocka – p. 13-15 | |  |
Different aspects of organic and conventional food consumers' lifestyle Ewa Rembiałkowska, Renata Kazimierczak, Dominika ¦rednicka, Katarzyna Bieńko, Magdalena Bielska – p. 16-19 | |  |
Nutritional knowledge and eating habits of elderly women from big-city environment Joanna Wyka, Jadwiga Biernat – p. 20-24 | |  |
New Medicine vol. 11 (2007/04)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Long-term experience in the management of choanal atresia Eliza Brożek-M±dry, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 83-86 | |  |
Neurofibroma of the pterygo-palatine fossa in a child Lechosław P. Chmielik, Romuald Krajewski – p. 87-88 | |  |
Movement of vocal cords in endoscopic and ultrasonography examination Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Anna Jakubowska, Michał Brzewski, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 89-90 | |  |
Operating changes in the media wall of the maxillary sinus children Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 91-92 | |  |
Problems of operational bleeding during functional endoscopic operations in a child Lechosław P. Chmielik, Marcin Rawicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 93-95 | |  |
Ganglioma of the base of the nose in children Lechosław P. Chmielik, Wojciech Boratyński – p. 96-97 | |  |
The influence of deformation of nasal septum types mladina 1, 4, and 6 on the condition of hearing in children Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 98-99 | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Nasal cytology in children with chronic rhinosinusitis or nasal septum deviation Eliza Brożek-M±dry, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 100-101 | |  |
Parotitis acute in infancy Małgorzata Dębska – p. 102-103 | |  |
Surgery in chronic rhinosinusitis in children Mieczysław Chmielik, Lechosław P. Chmielik – p. 104-105 | |  |
Radiological and clinical summary of the pathology of the sphenoid sinus in children. Preliminary report Lechosław P. Chmielik, Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Agnieszka Biejat – p. 106-107 | |  |
Laryngological problems in children with down syndrome Magdalena Fr±ckiewicz, Agnieszka Garstecka, Małgorzata Drożniewska, Mieczysław Chmielik – p. 108-110 | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 11 (2007/03)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
A Comparative Analysis of Ten to Eighteen-Year-Old German and Hungarian Students’ Attitude towards and Abilities in Giving First Aid István Hornyák – p. 51-54 | |  |
Female physicians’ and nurses’ self-rated general and psychosocial health status and health behaviour in Hungary Feith Helga Judit, Balázs Péter, Kovácsné Tóth Ágnes – p. 55-58 | |  |
An analysis of the supporting-motoric system in male and female students of the University of defence in Brno Miroslava Přidalová, Jarmila Riegerová, Iva Dostálová, Miroslav Kopecký, Jan Švec – p. 59-67 | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Nutrition in preschool age: Part 1. Importance, reference values, methods of research and their application. Review Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz – p. 68-73 | |  |
Overview of risk factors of chronic venous disease Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Krzysztof Błachowiak, Piotr Koziński – p. 74-78 | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 11 (2007/02)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Assessment of anorectic behaviours among female judo athletes depending on anorexia readiness syndrome Wojciech Chalcarz, Aleksandra Musieł, Katarzyna Mucha | |  |
Assessment of dietary intake in women with gestational diabetes mellitus - preliminary report Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Katarzyna Wandelt | |  |
Cultural representation of the social body, and its relation with physical activity and drug consumption. Based on an empirical survey among Polish, Ukrainian and Hungarian youngsters Vingender István | |  |
Deaf children and adolescents and defective posture Anna Zwierzchowska, Krystyna Gawlik | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Thermal comfort in the operating suite Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Wiesław Tarnowski | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 11 (2007/01)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Analysis of key agents influencing therapeutic success in balance disturbances treated ambulatory by Betahistine Jarosław Wysocki, Piotr Orszulak | |  |
Effectiveness of the model for providing cancer children and their parents with information on the disease Marzena Samardakiewicz, Jerzy R. Kowalczyk | |  |
Studies on the effect of ozonotherapy on blood serum a-tocopherol level in patients with atherosclerotic ischemia of lower extremities Ewa Bartkowiak-Fludra, Aldona Jasińska-Stępniak, Marek Gogolewski, Irena Ponikowska | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Physiology of heart and echocardiography – do physicians always combine them in clinical practice? Robert Skalik, Ludmiła Borodulin-Nadzieja, Anna Janocha, Wojciech Woźniak | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 9 (2006/04)
Cover | |  |
Original papers | | |
Brain perfusion SPECT with 99mTc-ECD and serum neuron-specific enolase in patients with spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage and clinical vasospasm Charalambos Iliadis, Dimitris J. Apostolopoulos, Georgios Papadopoulos, Fotis Tzortzidis, Greta Wozniak, Panagiotis Georgoulias, Aleksandra Kunz, Vasilis Panagiotopoulos, Theodoros Maraziotis, Pavlos J. Vassilakos | |  |
Increase in life expectancy as an expression of favourable changes in mortality Irena Maniecka-Bryła, Ireneusz Kuropka | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
The practical use of endosonography in the daily work of a surgeon Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska | |  |
Physiological and psychosocial aspects of occupational activity of elderly workers Joanna Bugajska, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, Maria Widerszal-Bazyl | |  |
The space and time dimensions of drug addicts’ world of living Vingender Istvan | |  |
Case report | | |
False diagnosis of false left ventricular aneurysm in patient with post-infarction VSD Zbigniew Juraszyński, Jerzy Pręgowski, Zofia T. Bilińska, Marcin Demkow, Dorota Piotrowska-Kownacka, Witold Rużyłło | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 9 (2006/03)
Cover | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Laryngitis in children Mieczysław Chmielik, Anna Kaczmarczyk | |  |
Inflammatory disorders of the nose and paranasal sinuses at the development age Mieczysław Chmielik, Anna Kaczmarczyk | |  |
Acquired laryngotracheal stenosis in children Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Laryngotracheal reconstruction using a costal cartilage graft Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Teratomas of the nasopharynx in children. A report of three cases Anna Bielicka, Lidia Zawadzka-Głos, Mieczysław Chmielik, Eliza Brożek-Mądry | |  |
The measurement of health-related quality of life for children with ent diseases Lechosław P. Chmielik, Anna Chmielik | |  |
History of rhinology in Poland to 1939 Ewa Pomirska, Mieczysław Chmielik | |  |
Surgical treatment of secretory otitis media in children Mieczysław Chmielik, Eliza Brożek-Mądry, Małgorzata Dębska | |  |
Influence of the type of septum deviation on some parameters in the upper airways Mieczysław Chmielik, Eliza Brożek-Mądry, Lechosław P. Chmielik | |  |
Homeopathic therapy in recurrent respiratory diseases in childhood Małgorzata Malicka, Anna Zakrzewska, Danuta Gryczyńska | |  |
Original papers | | |
Types of nasal septum deviation and hearing loss in children Lechosław P. Chmielik | |  |
Nasal septum deviation and conductivity hearing loss in children Lechosław P. Chmielik | |  |
Errata | | |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 9 (2006/02)
Cover | |  |
Clinical observations | | |
Modifying salt intake to prevent hypertension Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz | |  |
Development of children and school youth and sports activity Monika Radzimirska-Graczyk, Wojciech Chalcarz | |  |
Original papers | | |
Heat stress responses in men after ingestion of a low-sodium diet Ilona Pokora | |  |
The influence of feeding frequency on dietary protein utilization - a model study Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak, Janusz Keller, Jacek Bujko | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
New Medicine vol. 9 (2006/01)
Cover | |  |
Guide to contributors | | |
Clinical observations | | |
Probiotics and prebiotics in prevention of chronic civilization diseases Elżbieta Trafalska, Andrzej Grzybowski | |  |
Original papers | | |
Characteristics of the nutrition mode in young women with body mass deficiencies Elżbieta Trafalska, Andrzej Grzybowski | |  |
Analysis of health-related behaviour in a selected group of elementary school students from the Łódź area Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Andrzej Grzybowski | |  |
Influence of dietary fat on thyroid hormone plasma concentrations Danuta Rosołowska-Huszcz, Katarzyna Lachowicz | |  |
Factors determining physical fitness self-evaluation and health self-evaluation in physically active women Maria Nowak | |  |
New medical information | | |
Proposition for implementing and realising the national programme for prevention and treatment of eating disorders Wojciech Chalcarz, Aleksandra Musieł, Małgorzata Stefaniuk | |  |